Double Cluster NGC 869 and NGC 884


Black and white

2004 September 19th  at the Kelling Heath Star Party, Norfolk, UK
Televue TVNP101 100mm APO refractor 540mm fl.
Sbig ST4 autoguider on G11 Mount
Starlight Xpress HX916 CCD camera
 True Tech RGB colour filters
RGB image, R5mins 1x1, G5mins 1x1, B5mins 1x1 all 5min sub exposures. 15 min total exposure

The night was clear and beautifully dark,  just how a proper sky should be. Place your mouse pointer over the image for a colour version using the LLRGB technique to show the star colours. See this article by Rob Gendler for details of the LLRGB technique.

To view the "mouse over" ensure your browser allows showing active content.

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